
Lightwork Memo Series

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Lightwork Memo Series

The LightWork Memo series is an informal series of numbered memoranda on topics related to Citizen Science with Radio Telescopes.

This series is intended to encourage the public in the United States, and throughout the world, to collaborate on the design, construction and operation of Radio Telescopes for the purpose of furthering science, engineering and education. LightWork memos series guidelines are described in Memo 0, below. The creation of a memo series is motivated by the success that a focused memo series can have on organizing design and construction of large astronomical facilities.

The memo series title has two implications. The first is that this memo series concerns Work with radio wavelength Light. The second is that we envision that those developing the radio telescopes will grow a large collaboration, making a significant contribution to the worlds understanding of the universe. Many hands make LightWork.

  1. LightWork Memo 000 Memo inviting contributions, and providing guidelines, to the LightWork Memo Series
    • Glen Langston, 2017 August 11, Status: Active
    • Initial memo in the series inviting others to contribute to the topic of Citizen Science with Radio Telescopes
  2. LightWork Memo 001 First System temperature Measurements with a horn antenna.
  3. LightWork Memo 002 Report on system temperature after a number of modifications.
  4. LightWork Memo 003 Measurements of system gain as a function of feed probe placement.
  5. LightWork Memo 004 Full system description of first working horn antenna. 5.
  6. LightWork Memo 006 Sketch of amplifier board design for Citizen Science Radio Telescopes 7.
  7. LightWork Memo 008 Measurements of performance of amplifier system using low cost LNA4ALL amplifiers.
  8. LightWork Memo 009 Measurements of performance of amplifier system using ZX60-P103LN+ amplifiers
  9. LightWork Memo 010 Measurements with aluminum foam board horn and improved infrastructure 11. 12. 13.
  10. LightWork Memo 014 Galactic Mapping with Horn and Amplifier box
  11. LightWork Memo 015 Science Aficionados Amplifier Box B
  12. LightWork Memo 016 Commercial Parts list for Amplifier Box B 17.
  13. LightWork Memo 018 Galactic Spectra Data Overview
  14. LightWork Memo 019 Mapping the Milky Way
  15. LightWork Memo 020 Radio Astronomy With Gnuradio-Companion
  16. LightWork Memo 021 Horn Telescope Base Construction Guide
  17. LightWork Memo 022 Horn Telescope Construction Guide
  18. LightWork Memo 023 Event Capture with ADALM Pluto - under construction
  19. LightWork Memo 024 Milky Way Galaxy Armed and Dangerous - under construction
  20. LightWork Memo 025 Sensitivy of Horn Radio Telescopes for Detecting Pulsars.
  21. LightWork Memo 026 Calibration and Imaging Steps - under construction
  22. LightWork Memo 027 Event Detection with 4 Horns - under construction
  23. LightWork Memo 028 Measure Noise Temperature of First LNA
  24. LightWork Memo 029 Overview of Construction and Use of Radio Telescope
  25. LightWork Memo 030 A Tale of Three DSPIRA LNAs. Successful construction and analysis of three very high sensitivity versions of the WVURAIL LNAs for Radio Astronomy
  26. LightWork Memo 031 Additive Interferometry with 2 Horn Telescopes
  27. LightWork memo 032 Gather a Pail of Milky Way. Construction guide for a very small, very sensitive horn radio telescope.
  28. LightWork memo 033 Jack Phelps, High School Student, presents a remarkably clear description of their Radio Telescope and Observations. 👏
  29. LightWork memo 034 Guide to Building a Pail-Of-Milky-Way Telescope Base. Construction guide for easily pointing a horn radio telescope. This memo is superceeded by Memo 36.
  30. LightWork memo 035 Guide to Building a Cone Horn Telescope. Construction guide for an even simpler and more sensitive Radio Telescope. 👏
  31. LightWork memo 036 Updated Telescope base, construction simpler and work with Cone Horn. This memo superceeds memo 34. 👏
  32. LightWork memo 037 Technique for finding pointing offsets based on 24 hours of observations. Note that some larger PDFs must be downloaded for viewing. Github is not immediately displaying all files.

Lightwork Videos Series

We’ve added a few videos that illustrate parts of the memos.

  1. [Intro][ Glen Langston - Galactic Perspective ]
  2. [Telescope Calibrated][ See a radio Telecope discover the arms of the Milky Way]
  3. [Gnu Radio First Steps][ Sophie and Evan Introduce gnuradio ]
  4. [Green Bank Observatory 2024 Summer Students][ Build a Horn Radio Telescope]
  5. [Testing your Amplifier before Observations][ Test Amplifier and software setup ]

Elevation Axis Template Elevation Axis Template

The notes directory contains some hints for Raspberry Pi computers and a template for building your horn telescope elevation axis. The telescope base includes a protractor for setting the angle of observations easily. The side of the base is more easily constructed by taping the elevation template to the board to be cut. Then drill holes through the marked locations.

Elevation Mount Template Elevation Mount Template

The cone-horn radio telescope design includes a wooden elevation mount. The mount is made from four wooden parts. The front and back are cut from a 10-inch wide 8-inch tall board, 0.75-inches thick. The sides are two 14-inch long balusters. To simplify construction, print out the template and trace onto the boards.